Sunday, June 24, 2018

Believe me, your hair wants this!

Every spring I feel a need to revive. I want to flourish like the nature. We all feel that and you know what I mean when I say that when I see my ’surviving over the winter’ hair in the mirror, with its split ends and lack of brightness, I get bitter. I don’t know about you, but i’m a big fan of doing my own mixtures of potions and finding recipes, preparing them and trying them out.
Let me share here with you one that I use for several years now, for its beneficial effect and reinvigorating results on my hair. It’s a very simple and fun mixture, with results guaranteed that will cost you almost nothing. How can you say ’No’ to that?
Here is the recipe, note it well:
  • Rosemary conditioning hair oil – 8 drops
  • Pure hemp seed oil virgin – 1/3 cup
  • Olive oil – 1/3 cup
This is the dose for one use, but if you have very long hair, you can double the quantities. There are several ways in witch you can use it:
First: moisture all together and put them in a spray bottle. Use it after shower, when the hair is still damp and spritz the ends of the hair if you have split ends and you want to hydrate and repair them. Do not rinse.
Second:  use the moisture (after you treble the quantities) to massage your scalp very well, and then let it sit with a shower cap for at least 40 minutes. This is an intensive treatment, and after that you can shampoo or rinse as usual. Third: you can use this moisture after you heat it up (15-20 minutes in microwave). When you massage your scalp, it will penetrate more easily your hair, and will stimulate hair growth.
This is my secret recipe, that I wanted to share with you. Give it a try and don’t believe me, believe the beneficial effects that these wonderful natural oils have. Thanks to mother nature, my hair is now soft, shiny, my scalp revitalized and (as Nina Simone says) I’m feeling good!
Enjoy and use the green around you!


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